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The GDPR TEAM is an interdisciplinary team of lawyers and IT specialists specializing in the processing of personal data. The members of the group include eminent professors with pan-hellenic status in the subject (Law and Informatics University Professors) as well as members with specialized knowledge (holders of doctoral and postgraduate degrees in personal data protection and network security) and experience (former members of the IPDPA).


With our expertise on privacy, consistency and confidentiality, we have the ability to offer a host of services with respect for the rights and freedoms of individuals as protected by the Greek Constitution, domestic, European and international law. We are able to provide these services throughout Greece, through our network of associates, as well as in selected member states of the European Union, in English, French, German, Italian and Spanish.


The General Data Protection Regulation (2016/679) is the European Union’s New Data Protection Law, which will enter into force on 25 May 2018! Since then, the previous regulatory framework for the protection of personal data has been abolished and many aspects have been amended. The Regulation is of general application, binding on all its elements and directly applicable in all the member states of the European Union.

WP 29: Anonymisation Techniques

WP 29: Anonymisation Techniques

Anonymized data do fall out of the scope of GDPR. In the Opinion 05/2014 on Anonymisation Techniques, the Working Party analyses the effectiveness and limits of existing anonymization techniques against…

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